Iron On

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Iron On – ‘One Man Band’

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This is a real dirty indie track, fusing together Death Cab for Cutie melodies, Sleater-Kinney female fiestiness and ’90s indie rock energy – you can hear the Superchunk and Shellac influences here. Hell, they even named themselves after a Shellac song! Kate Cooper and Ross Hope are the stars of this show: their dual vocals bring ‘One Man Band’ to life; a ditty about a relationship collapsing under the weight of a partner’s negativity. Perhaps that accounts for the abrasive bridge section. The raucuous climax bites in hard and the drums thump, thump, thump! Great work.


One Response

  1. Dixy

    February 15, 2008 8:42 pm

    That song is awesome. I downloaded it from JJJ’s website last year. I may have to buy the EP, cos it sounds great!



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