Midget – ‘From Yr Head to Yr Hands’
Here’s a musical lessons for you young’uns, so sit straight, listen up and pay attention! Cult heroes Midget, who throughout the Nineties supported legends like The Jesus Lizard, Shellac, Everclear, Primus and Magic Dirt, and played at Big Day Out and the sadly defunct Livid Festival, are back with a brand new song, ‘From Yr Head to Yr Hands’, offered to us exclusively. Tight as the proverbial nun, you’d swear the trio never stopped playing together.
Sounds like a great return to form for these legends of Aussie rock. Keep an eye out for shows in October/November this year.
August 25, 2008 7:38 pm
Wow, they really do wipe the floor with every other australian band in this genre don’t they.
Welcome back Midget!