The Hot Box

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The Hot Box – ‘Riot’

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In the throes of a current Lions At Your Door fixation, I donned my deerstalker hat and embarked upon some sleuthing, under the guise of intrepid journalism. I was on a mission. A quest, if you will.

That mission (or quest) was to uncover the Mystery of the Pseudonym Frontwoman. Who is this soulful-voiced Cookie that fronts Lions At Your Door? Thus I plunged headfirst into the rabbit hole that is Google…

This all sounds much more stalker-ish that it actually is, but what I find out is that Cookie, whose name is Marihuzka Larenas, also fronts (or has fronted, the MySpace isn’t all too clear) The Hot Box, a stripped raw, blues rock outfit, much in the vein of The Stooges but with vocals akin to The Bell Rays or Gossip. I don’t really know too much about them, but I thought this would make an interesting blog. Though that’s for you to decide.

Either way, ‘Riot’ is the only song of theirs I could get my hands on, so do with it what you will.



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