The Hotel Charlie

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The Hotel Charlie – ‘Rock Rock Dance’ (mp3)

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It’s been a while since I found a song that I could just put on repeat and listen to over and over without getting bored of it, but that’s exactly what I’ve found since I stumbled upon The Hotel Charlie – which highlights the benefit of MySpace and the whole friends-who-are-their-friends thing. You get to find some awesome shit!

Hailing from Sydney, this five-piece has been kicking around in some form since 2003, finally hitting the live scene last year, and in that time have developed a very solid sound. The vocals of Timothy Hay are spot-on, the rhythms are driving and infectious and the song grooves along at a great pace. ‘Rock Rock Dance’ is catchy without being gratuitously pop; rock enough to jump around your bedroom to; not heavy but not soft; perfect enough to make any band who tries to mix melody and rock green with envy.

More demos are up on their page, though ‘Rock Rock Dance’ is the best of the three. They’re planning an album for late this year so keep an ear out.



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