Lions At Your Door

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Lions At Your Door – ‘LAYD’ (mp3)

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In a split worthy of an At The Drive-In comparison, Sydney’s high energy indie punksters Pinky Tuscadero split in 2006. And just like The Mars Volta and Sparta forming out of the ashes of ATD-I, so did two bands from the demise of Pinky Tuscadero – one of them being Lions At Your Door. The other, CHAINGANG, will be featured tomorrow, so check back yo.

Lions At Your Door feature Dave, Kirsten and Dirk from Pinky Tuscadero playing keys, drums and guitar respectively. Lions At Your Door maintains much of the frenetic dance energy that Pinky Tuscadero had but imbue their music with a stronger sense of rock rather than Pinky’s punk roots. It’s easy to see why Lions have snuck their way into Sydney’s music hearts: infectious, in-your-face and living up to their name – the lions are roaring at your door, are you game enough to let them in?



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