Gabriella Cilmi


Gabriella Cilmi – ‘Sweet About Me’

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Here comes the trend shift. Phil Spector and his Wall of Sound, the music of Motown, the jazz of Sarah Vaughan and Nina Simone… these are the starting points for the new musical fad that’s slowly emerging thanks to the likes of Amy Winehouse, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings and eager DJs sampling sweet soul music.

Sure, musicians are time-travelling vikings, pillaging decades until there’s nothing left and then zooming off to the next untouched era – but we could be taking lead from worse periods of time (Boy Bands anyone?) Gabriella Cilmi (pronounced “Chill-me”… seriously) is Warner Music’s secret weapon that they’re gonna be hoping rockets into the stratosphere (because labels are struggling, you know). Many will compare her to Amy Winehouse (sans the coke, booze and dawn undies run), which is fair enough, but she was discovered when she was only 13, years before Wino ran head-first onto tabloid mags and

Now sixteen (hello jailbait), Cilmi’s moved from her home town of Melbourne and is basing herself out of London. She’s on tour at the moment with the Sugababes and recently shared the tour bus with Parisian’s Nouvelle Vague. Her debut album, Lessons To Be Learned, will be out later this year but for now, here’s the first song off the record called ‘Sweet About Me’.


21 Responses

  1. Edward Watson

    April 3, 2008 12:13 am

    I think that I like “Sweet About Me”, but I couldn’t find it on iTunes.
    I probably don’t want an entire CD unless I find that I also like a significant number of the other tracks. Where can I evaluate the other tracks, or do I just have to wait?

    I just went over to It lists the price at £0.79. I’ll have to see just how much this would cost me in United States dollars before I commit to the download.
    Perhaps I’ll be back later today.

    Thank you,
    Edward Watson

  2. Alexandre

    April 4, 2008 4:07 am

    I’m definitely surprised! I never heard of this kid then I just listened to this song and I was like “grea stuff”. But when I looked for infomation about her and fond out she’s 16 I was like, “what!?!?!! no way!”

    I hope she becomes good. She has enourmous potential.

  3. Damien

    April 5, 2008 2:39 pm

    Sounds like Australia is looking for a more clean-cut Amy Winehouse sound-a-like to me. Actually like a cross between Wino and Anastasia..

  4. Dave

    April 9, 2008 11:57 am

    How can she be a rip off of Amy Winehouse when she was signed 3 years ago for her uniqueness? Winehouse didn’t become known down under until 2006! Maybe Winehouse is a Gabriella Cilmi wannabe?? That’s just as stupid a statement – the similarities are probably more to do with their musical roots.

  5. Rod C

    May 15, 2008 12:02 pm

    This just shows,Australia does have talent in spades. This girl has absolutely massive potential. Such a powerful voice for such a young kid. Let’s hope she keeps a handle on the fame.

  6. mayby youll never know!!!!

    May 27, 2008 5:40 am

    sod amy whinehouse if she stays of drugs she has a bloody good life i wish her all my hopes and life GOOD LUCK gabriella cilmi because your already better than amy in two ways 1 you dont take drugs 2 you have a better voice plus your younger so it can develop

  7. gabriella

    May 27, 2008 5:44 am

    WOW! i never known i was this well known thaks for all of your lovely comments oh and im doing my best to keep it up

  8. winnie

    June 2, 2008 7:26 am

    i just hate some british say “she’s just like Amy Winehouse!”

    they are totally different!! i’m not saying Amy is not good..

    both of them are brilliant

  9. James

    August 3, 2008 7:34 am

    Hi gabriella
    you look good at the Tunes festival in london your track on your cd are excellent you are a sexy girl i have seen i hop your tours go well good luck
    love from James xxxx

  10. James

    August 4, 2008 6:12 am

    Hi gabriella
    i heard you on my now that’s what i call music 70 and you sang sweet about me wos amazing you look good at the Tunes festival in london your track on your cd are excellent you are a sexy girl i have seen i hop your tours go well good luck wood you go out wif me?
    love from James xxxx



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