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Scribe – ‘Say It Again’

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From the man who reckons not many, if any, flow like him, comes the decidely Jay Z influenced ‘Say It Again’ from Scribe‘s album Rhymebook. It’s hard for Pacific rappers to simultaneously not sound too local, but not sound like an aping American gangster wannabe. Scribe manages to straddle that fine line incredibly well, so maybe he’s right – not many dudes I know flow like him.


One Response

  1. Elizabeth

    March 18, 2008 10:11 pm

    WOAH I am so glad I found this blog. I’ve been wanting to find a site like this for ages but never really looked very hard. I’ve been on the site for 10 mins and have already discovered 3 awesome bands (from your 3 most recent posts, actually). I’ve RSSed your blog and will go back and check out all the recent artists you’ve posted about. I found your site while searching for Flamingo Crash. Sweeet!



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