LISTEN: Pear Shape – ‘Staring Competition’

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Pear Shape follow in the happiness footsteps of The Holidays and those Jinja hippies but with a sharper twang like our fave Americans, Vampire Weekend. In fact, a track on the new ep is dangerously close to that sound. Anyho, I’m getting my smile on and enjoying these Sydney peeps as the sun shines and colour resurfaces from my grey winter in Melbourne. ‘Staring Competition’ is taken from their self-titled ep and is a darn sweet tune. Pear Shape are playing the Grace Darling in Melbourne on the 13TH OCT. Also I almost called these guys ‘The Pears’ which would be a cool name too hey! Oh and for those playing at home – yep Mel T posted an earlier version of ‘Staring Competition’ here.

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‘Staring Competition’

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