Dean Michael Smith – ‘Lady’
Australia has seen a boom in acoustic acts in recent years taking lead from 1960s folk troubadors. There’s a similar situation occuring in the States as well, though it’s a trend spearheaded by bands like Alexisonfire: heavier acts moving away to more subdued tunes.
Sydney’s Dean Michael Smith fits more comfortably into the latter category. Like Dallas Green’s side project City & Colour, Dean borrows heavily from alternative and heavier styles of music to create his vocal-driven, emotional acoustic songs, rather than becoming an aping Dylan or Donovan artist. Flirting with distortion earlier on, Dean seems to have found his comfort zone with simply an acoustic guitar. It takes a brave soul to get up and strip everything back, leaving nothing to hide behind, but Dean pulls it off confidently. And not just that, his live shows are humble, disarmingly funny and engaging.
PLUS – he does a killer cover of Seal’s ‘Crazy’ live. If for no other reason, check him out just to watch him belt out that tune.
June 12, 2008 12:20 am
One of the BEST acoustic acts ive seen in Australia.
So melodic but so ballsy at the same time, big things will happen to this bloke.
Definately make an effort to see this one when hes playing next
July 7, 2008 11:30 pm
Easily without a doubt my favorite acoustic act and definitely one of the best voices I’ve heard in a long time. His set is as funny as it is amazing and it is a certainty that he is going somewhere with his music!
Get down to his next show and see for yourself before he gets swooned to a label overseas!!
Lady is the gun!
August 12, 2008 7:43 pm
AMAZING live, the demos just don’t do Dean justice. if you like those, then you need to go see him play!!
September 3, 2008 11:43 am
LOVE IT! Really good. Love to hear some more. Keep going – you have talent!
February 8, 2009 8:56 pm
Love it! Brilliant…
December 11, 2010 10:56 pm
Well done Dean love your work!!