Who the Bloody Hell Are They has been nominated for the inaugural SMAC Awards – The Sydney, Arts and Culture Awards – presented by FBi 94.5fm and Time Out Sydney. As you can probably guess, we’re pretty chuffed to be nominated, and we’re in the running for the SMAC In Your Face Award alongside former Mess + Noise and now world-conquering writer Emmy Hennings, the rogue anti-World Youth Day bloggers No To Pop Coalition, the Raise The Bar crew who helped rally support for changes to the NSW Liquor Licensing Laws and event organisers-turned-bloggers The Supper Club.
And then there’s us, who have no little to no social value whatsoever in comparison to the four other nominees in our category – but that doesn’t matter! We’d still like to win (maybe even more so because of it) but we need your vote!
You have to vote for every category, but that’s just a minor inconvenience isn’t it? I’m not sure what we win, though I’ll guess we’ll find out at the awards ceremony which is being held at the start of December or something.
ANYWAY – please, please, please head to http://smacawards.com/smacawards/smac-in-your-face-award.aspx and vote for us!
November 11, 2008 1:40 pm
voted, although i do rate the raise the bar cause as well…