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Pikelet – ‘A Bunch’

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For several years now, Pikelet has been releasing music that transposes elements of experimental music into a pop framework . Far from dissolving the intellectual ambition in the process, the accessibility this introduces only increases the potency of her production trickery and hypnotic song structures.

‘A Bunch’ is actually a couple of years old but is posted here in celebration of Pikelet’s recently released EP Not So Still. It’s also the only Pikelet song I had access to but is nonetheless a great slice of Australian pop music that strives to be more than the sum of its parts. Built upon sparse but near-tribal rhythm, the song consists of little more than a chorus of backing vocals, a harpsichord/zither-like instrument and the multi-tracked vocal line. I’m not necessarily one for less-is-more but ‘A Bunch’ provides a pretty strong argument for it.

If you like it, check out her eponymous debut from which this track is pulled as well as the afforementioned latest EP.




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