Boy and Bear – ‘The Storm’ (mp3)
Boy & Bear – If The Shins and Fleet Foxes made babies..
Sydney singer/songwriter Dave Hosking has taken a slight change of direction with his new outfit Boy & Bear. Releasing his first EP ‘Marmalade Hill’ late last year, Hosking has decided to abandon the songs from the album (which I was still rather fond of…) and start fresh, writing towards a more mature and original sound. Producer of the first EP, Andrew Macken, has proven to be a great collaborator with his intricate and almost narrative based approach to the arrangement and production. On the bands first single ‘The Storm’, Hosking’s vocals are superb, slowly building throughout the track to release with the heart warming vocal harmonies, while the guitar motif provides an interesting counterpoint melody.
Judging from what this young Sydney band have offered so far, I’m excited to hear the rest.
September 11, 2010 4:11 pm
hey were playing i brisbane at the big sounds event thing. it was so crowded there that half the people were listening form outside the bar to hear them!
I had no chance on getting in! 🙁
I love them!