Songs – ‘Clouds’

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Songs – ‘Something to Believe In’ (mp3)

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Songs – ‘Clouds’

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Apart from having the hardest name to google all year, Sydney band Songs also have one of the best albums I’ve heard in 2009. From start to finish, this is a cohesive collection of songs that demands attention as it seamlessly weaves together atmospheric tracks with cleaner pop numbers.

‘Something to Believe In’ and ‘Clouds’ are my two favourites at the moment. ‘Clouds’ isn’t the most accessible thing on there and certainly won’t be the radio single, but it was the track that I immediately went back to after my first listen. Get through the mostly ambient first minute and you’ll find a meditative, well-produced pop song. ‘Something to Believe In’ is more immediate thanks largely to its simple, killer chorus. Opening with layers of chiming, interwoven guitars, it’s an inventive but straightforward composition that’ll get your head thinking and nodding at the same.



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