Red Shoes Boy – Swept The Floors



Red Shoes Boy – ‘Swept The Floors’ (mp3)

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I just got a copy of Red Shoes Boy’s Stagger EP and it blew my mind. They’re a relatively unknown act in Perth but the 19 minutes of dirty, distorted blues rock on the EP are all killer no filler.

They’re a combination of the Black Keys blues guitar riffery and Ian Ball from Gomez’s husky vocal chords. This isn’t ‘boring old man in an Eric Clapton t-shirt’ blues – Red Shoes Boy sound raw and raunchy as fuck.

The EP comes out on December 5th and I highly recommend you pick up a copy, a six pack of coldies and settle in to listen to it on repeat.


4 Responses

    • Mark Spillane

      December 2, 2009 5:03 pm

      Hey billy bob – i ask the same question to select a band to book as one i write about – do i like their music? Me being their booking agent doesn’t make the band any less awesome and worthy of a mention. If you get a chance to check the band out i’m sure you’ll agree.

  1. Billy Bob

    December 3, 2009 12:55 pm

    Have listened through and they seem like a decent enough band.. and probably worthy enough for a post here.

    But, don’t you think you could’ve had Matt or Jerry do the typing?

    Looks as though you’ve written yourself a nice, pretty presser from a credible music blog to get yourself more gigs for the band.

  2. Sophie

    December 3, 2009 5:09 pm

    It’s also a bit dodge that you’ve quoted your post on their MySpace… :/
    Billy Bob, I’m sorry our credibility has been called into questions a few times lately.



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