Why do these kids, who annoy me so profoundly with their vacuous fashionista posturing, insist on writing these awesome songs? I mean Christ. It’s inconsiderate. That’s the problem with rock and roll, though, you know? Talent blesses the most random assembly of knuckleheads.
June 7, 2007 10:17 am
simone, i have to say I’ve agreed with everything you’ve said on this blog to date. You are right on the money and a meritorious addition to the who the hell family : )
June 7, 2007 6:55 pm
ive met them a couple of times, or should i say, i met them once and have seen them a few times since, cos you can only meet somebody once.
they were nice, and one of them had dodgy clothes.
they do write fantastic songs.
June 13, 2007 12:42 pm
i know one of these kids.
they write pretty much the best music evah.