Perth band Pond, was formed like a dream and that ‘fantasy’ feeling, beamed throughout the show that played to a packed Workers Club in Fitzroy on Sunday night.
Nick ‘Paisley Adams’ Allbrook on Vocals and glitter mayhem – he joked that he’ll probably have to clean up the place himself. Joseph Orion on bass and Jay Watson, the drummer of Tame Impala, make up the core members. Jay played a bunch of instruments, swapping around with Jamie Terry who plays guitar and keys in The Silents. Kevin Parker, Tame Impala’s lead guitar and vocals, played the driving drums that seemed to tie the whole room together, not unlike Lebowski’s rug. These guys are all very bloody talented and made the show one of the most fun gigs I have seen at this venue.
Look out for an album soon but check out their myspace now – http://www.myspace.com/mickmanmoose
More photos after the continue reading jump

May 26, 2010 2:10 am
man i see these guys whenever i can in perth they are so fucking sick
August 11, 2010 11:34 am
I saw these guys last night support Florence & the Machine & was very very impressed – Tassle man & Nick the lead singer ( nicknamed Mini MIck for his oddly Mick Jagger moves) were fantastic! Loved it & will be searching for a Perth gig soon!
August 11, 2010 5:45 pm
Firstly I’d like to say to Vanessa; You must be deaf cause these guys sucked ass!! I was at the Florence gig and couldn’t believe these guys were actually the supporting act.
Secondly; Hopefully the ‘Pond’ will evaporate & we won’t have to hear this crap again!! Get off the booze or drugs and make some real music!
August 11, 2010 5:59 pm
This band is so shit id rather spend my time wiping the shitty stains from a homeless man’s hairy crusty arse crack, spread it on a bagel and eat it for brunch, than listen to these parrots ‘sing’ ever again. who the fck was the fairy floating about with the ribbon ? jay watson… stick to tame impala. as for the rest of you…..centrelink is your calling, not music…… peace
August 11, 2010 6:23 pm
hahahah literal LOLs @ Mouldy pond. Bizarre trollin’.
August 23, 2010 1:42 pm
*mouldy pond* i agree with you 100% man…….the so called ” perth scene ” sucks donky balls thanks to pretentious twats like pond and all the other scenster fuckers. i only keep on seeing and hearing untalented, revivalist shit stunk bands coming out this city’s chute hole and ppl like this shit (wtf!)….therefore i have only one more thing to say ” please fuck off, stop attempting to play your instruments and stop attempting to create original music which is completely unoriginal, tasteless, dull, boring and not to mention a complete bad rip off of the 60’s and 70’s psychedelia “……that time has been and gone leave it be, it’s 2010 now not 1967.
November 21, 2011 9:13 am
Pond is very inspiring

cannot wait to see them on New Years
December 7, 2011 12:24 am
plonddd, this is fucking real music asshole! You’re the pretentious twat, you jealous bastard!
February 29, 2012 12:10 pm
Cor blimey, these guys must be doing something interesting if they polarise people the way some of these comments suggest they do.
Personally, I think they’re great – kinda reminiscent of some of the slacker rock I loved 20 years ago – Pavement, Guided By Voices, Polvo, Archers Of Loaf etc. These were also bands who you either loved or hated with a passion.
March 14, 2012 11:17 pm
Hey J, did I offend ? The truth hurts sometimes I know. It may come as a disappointment but I can assure you that I’m certainly not jealous of your beloved hipster band and your crude attempt at insulting me still doesn’t erase the actual facts of what was said. It’s sad to see incompetent rock star wannabes get more attention these days because of their well established connections which they enact through the success of others ( e.g friends in the music industry ) rather then for the actual quality of their work. Tame Impala on the other hand, whilst bearing a reminiscent vibe of 60’s psych, still manages to reinvent it self, creating an array of colorful soundscapes that are both captivating and engaging to the listener. Through interesting song structure and a keen sense for pop hooks, Kevin Parker has managed to yield a truly original sound of his own. In comparison to that, Pond comes off as a pale lifeless corps, consisting of bland and boring recycled music. Watching these kinds perform live assimilates an analogous experience to that of observing animals at the zoo, only less amusing. Not to mention how pretentious their front man is together with the afro/palm head guitar slinger Joe. Nick Allbrook must of obsessively studied Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger as a child because his stage moves are so original…
March 15, 2012 4:04 pm
You are a fucking idiot and I want to diarrhea on your face. Pond will be in rock and roll hall of fame. It’s funny you even take the time to write a paragraph talking shit and all the while you took the time to look this article up. Go shove your dick up your own ass with a spoon ya fuckin idiot.
March 15, 2012 6:12 pm
maybe in the cock and hole of fame, I doubt rock and roll ^
March 15, 2012 6:48 pm
eat shit and die. please. if all brook doesn’t die of a heroin overdose they will. nonetheless you shoulda had your name be “a pond full of jealousy” and should go make music yourself and play some open mics like a fuckin idiot that you are
March 15, 2012 7:06 pm
if you want a good perth band check out the french rockets or snow man….pond just suck, plain and simple.
March 16, 2012 3:01 am
I don’t like metal, but thanks for wasting my time. Both fucking sucked and Pond is way better. I shoulda known. I bet you like dub step too you fuckin turd.
March 16, 2012 4:28 am
Man, this dude diarrhea is an idiot, but I agree with him totally. I mean, this band is useless! The funniest thing is that the band comes and reads the comments, and they are quiet when the responds are positive, but when someone talks down, they respond like wtf, we are cool and shit. Tasteless.
April 25, 2013 2:43 pm
Pond are a great band and any fool can tell Nick Allbrook is a highly talented musician and a mesmerising performer. Haters gonna hate!
August 19, 2014 9:23 pm
hey im from the future..
@Apondofdiarrhea….. you were wrong