Monthly Archives For April 2009

Wolfmother – 'Back Round'

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Wolfmother – ‘Back Round’

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The story is well told; Wolfmother the 3 piece Sydney retro rock juggernaut,winner of multiple platinum records and awards,which included a rare Grammy by an Australian artist, imploded last year after years of endless touring and that old chesnut ‘creative differences’ between the founding members. Some whispered that the band was over, but lead Wolfmother Andrew Stockdale recruited three new members, drummer Dave Atkins from hip hop band Resin Dogs, guitarist Aidan Nemeth and bassist Ian Peres. The new lineup tested new material under the guise of a sideproject called White Feather, and now we can hear a sample of this exercise and it sounds…pretty much like Wolfmother.

Back Round is available for download from Wolfmother’s website, all you have to do is submit yourself to a mailing list.

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