The Boat People – ‘Echo Stick Guitars’


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The Boat People – ‘Echo Stick Guitars’

I have to level with you guys.
I don’t like this song and I find the promo pic incredibly pretentious.
However, you’ve gotta commend The Boat People on what is either a complete re-invention or an elaborate piss-take. Apparently borne from Robin Waters’ dabblings in hiphop side project, perhaps it’s a bit of both.

Give this a shot if you like Architecture in Helsinki or other pop music incorporating shouting children, vintage synths and nonsensical lyrics.  If you didn’t like The Boat People’s music before, you might like it this time.


2 Responses

  1. Ben

    March 14, 2010 1:02 pm

    I didn’t really like this song on the album either, but the boaties seriously rip it up live! If you can find your way out to one of their many gigs, check them out, especially echo stick guitars live!



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