Deep Sea Arcade – ‘Keep On Walking’

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Deep Sea Arcade – ‘Keep On Walking’ (mp3)

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After the stunningly awesome ‘Lonely In Your Arms,’ Deep Sea Arcade are back with another slice of retro pop.  ‘Keep On Walking’ continues the motif of wire-y guitar lines and smooth, escalating vocal melodies. The organ stabs in the verses and the half-speed bridge differentiate it somewhat from their previous singles, and it definitely leans closer to straight rock than the harmony-laden pop. Ultimately they’re all very similar songs, if only because these guys know their strengths and apply them liberally – and you can’t fault a young band for playing their aces on every 7″ release. The have a sound that, although not entirely unique, has more cohesion than a lot of bands manage even after two or three albums.

‘Keep On Walking’ is probably the weakest of their three big singles, not because it’s a case of dimishing returns but because of the strenght of its predecessors. They’d probably need to mix things up on an album, but right now I’m happy for them to churn out a new pop jam every 6 months if it’s going to be this good.



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