Digger and the Pussycats
About 4 years ago blues-infused two piece rock bands become fashionable, especially if they were colour coordinated / good looking. White Stripes were the world leaders while the locally Mess Hall boys got well known. So how to set a band apart from the pack? By having a stand up drummer and touring non stop! Digger and The Pussycats are guitarist Sam and drummer Andy, originally from Melbourne but now based where ever their current tour takes them. I saw these two noisemakers about two years ago at Spectrum in Sydney, they were selling 7 inches they made in Prague, merchandise made in Holland and other worldly things that only a few fortunate bands can casually boast. They were quite a sight; drummer jumping around singing while sharing the mic with guitarist, different from the other duos.
Now I’m not really that into two piece rock bands anymore, they all come to a point where their music hits limitations and then they’d have to either get collaborators involved or try more instrumentation. The White Stripes hit this limit with their last album, trying out more acoustic songwriting with marimbas. I think that was the end of the rock scene’s flirtation with that sub-subgenre. So here’s a song to close that off:
Digger and The Pussycats – ‘Coming To Get You’
Other notable two piece bands in Australia: The Mess Hall, The Whats, Fire Underground
August 30, 2006 12:13 am
nice post JS.
though i still kinda enjoy the sentiment of that song… you may be aware of my gutter mouth.