Jackson Jackson – Intelligent, Evolved and Insane
Jackson Jackson are Harry James Angus, vocalist and trumpeter of Cat Empire fame and producer and composer Jan Skubiszewski. They met and recorded this odd, out of this world song about a race of subterrenean people hell bent on destroying the world – or something to that effect – according to the rather ambiguous press release. I’m not really sure how to classify this, it’s not really hip hop or beats. It sounds a lot like what my ex-housemates used to come up with their MPCs and home recording gear. The vocals does have a very distinct Australian flavour to it, and I’m curious to hear more material from their album. Jackson Jackson play their very first gig on January 20th at the Evelyn Hotel in Melbourne, check it out.
February 19, 2007 3:06 pm
Check Out Jackson Jackson at the following shows:
Wednesday 14th March @ THE SPECTRUM (Sydney)
Thursday 15th March @ THE LIVING ROOM (Brisbane)
Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th March @ THE EVELYN (Melb)