East Brunswick All Girls Choir – ‘Essendon 1986’ (mp3)
Don’t be fooled – East Brunswick All Girls Choir may sound like The Langley Schools Music Project in name, but aurally they are nothing alike. This is rough, raw melodic rock from this great Melbourne-but-soon-to-be-Berlin-bound band. And this is definitely one band that you can picture in Berlin – they keep it “real” and “loose.”
‘Essendon 1986’ comes from their upcoming debut album ‘Sandhurst Town,’ which will be released by Departed Sounds in the near future. Their goodbye party goes down at Melbournes NSC on December 17th so get along and say your goodbyes.
November 26, 2010 12:29 pm
‘Essendon 1986’ is available as a free download from http://www.departedsounds.com