Feral Media vs Lofly

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Mr Maps – ‘Til The Money Outruns Us’ (Vorad Fils Remix) (mp3)

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Restream – ‘Random Film’ (Broken Chip’s Shoehaze Remix) (mp3)

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Comatone – ‘Nice Place You Got There’ (Lofly Remix) (mp3)

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Lofly and Feral Media are two of my fav labels in Australia. I’d like to say I had a hand in teeing up this dream team, but I did not. That doesn’t mean The Strain of Origin isn’t a musical wet dream for me. And it’s free, did I mention that? What’s with dudes being so generous with their music these days? Saving you trawling through torrent sites and all…

The premise behind this album is that it’s a collection of songs releasd on label remixed by artists on the other. Since both Lofly and Feral Media operate as kind of collectives/packs, a number of the same artists pop up here under different guises and on either side of the remix equation. Since Lofly acts are generally more ‘song-y’ and FM acts are generally more ‘production-y’ it makes sense that the highlights are largely those where the Feral Media crowd are doing the remixing. The top two tracks above fall under this category, although I could have chosen almost any to include in this post (Underlapper and AFXJim’s stuff just missed out). But that bottom tune is also a bit of a standout and sees “Lofly” (I assume a combination of everyone on the label) turning Comatone’s ‘Nice Place You Got Here’ into an industrial electro tune.

I could go on, but I’d rather just direct your attention to the link below and advise you download it. It’s worth it.




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