Architecture In Helsinki – ‘Contact High’

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Architecture In Helsinki – ‘Contact High’ (mp3)

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Everybody’s favourite cape flailing assemblage are back. Architecture In Helsinki’s brand of hyperactive muppet jams always work up the general populace into a bouncing frenzy, but those hooks always make me kinda edgy (maybe I’m just no fun). The party collective have pulled another from the music toybox – ‘Contact High’. The intro kicks off with a few Grafton Primary style tweaks and vibes a hustle away from Prince’s ‘Kiss’. It’s less twee than prior hits but doesn’t forgo typical AIH playfulness. The absence of those sporadic falsettos that AIH stamped all over 2007’s Places Like This, makes this one a bit more digestible. Architecture are far from shedding the fun factor, but this is a pace down from stuff like ‘Do The Whirlwind’, ‘Debbie’, ‘Heart It Races‘ and the menagerie of other hits under the belts of their block coloured get-ups. While the tropicana spree seems to have been traded in for some disco-pop tendencies for now, this is still unforgivably catchy.

Moment Bends drops on April 8th through Modular.



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