Elizabeth Rose – 'Throw me to the Stars'

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Elizabeth Rose - Photo: Yvette Worboys

Elizabeth Rose – ‘Throw me to the Stars’ (mp3)

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Something really fresh here. Elizabeth Rose is a one lady show hailing from Sydney town. More balls than a sports store & charming to boot – coupled with the irresistable jazz charms of ‘Throw me to the Stars’ and you have one damn fine new artist.

I dig the vibe of this track – it feels innocent and raw, but with production belying Elizabeth Rose’s youth. It’s dark and rough but still bright and ridiculously listenable (unlike this).

She’s headlining a show at The Gaelic in Sydney on the 25th of May (that’s next week) so make your way on down.

Elizabeth Rose on FB.

Photo: Yvette Worboys



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