National SLAM Day 2012


The first live gig I went to was a FReeZA all-ages at Moorrabin Town Hall. I was sixteen and lugged two reluctant mates two hours across the state to see Trial Kennedy, British India, Stealing O’ Neal and watch underage drongos ride a mechanical bull. The same two friends I dragged along ended up carrying me out of the venue after I got spin kicked in the face by an emo kid using the front row as a wall-of-death. Unfortunately my live music experiences waddling around on mouldy carpet these days don’t get as violent as they probably should. Discovering new bands and accessing new music via the INTERNET (lazy portal of convenience) is something that’s out of habit for most of us. But hey, nothing beats waking up with tinnitus and last night’s wrist stamp smeared onto your forehead after all. Without live music, Melb would probably be a wasteland of creatively frustrated people with nothing to harp on about except caffeine and Kerouac. Live music is important to a lot of people around here.

Today marks National SLAM Day and there’s plenty of extra stuff going on to show your support for the people that make this place sound good.

For all the full details of gigs going on around the country today – click HERE or visit


2 Responses

  1. Daniel Ogilvie

    February 23, 2012 2:07 am

    Hi guys, I just found your blog today and so glad that i have! I am from QLD and moved to victoria about 3 and a half years ago. I love this city for its rich underground music scene and for all the great little venues to catch these artists. Though i have slowed down a bit now when i first got here i was catching 3,4,5,6 gigs a week, drinking it in. I grew up in a place where culture was to do with dairy products! I am not 100% sure what the first gig was but i wouldn’t be far off if i said it was open studio or the 303 back room in Northcote! The first awesome live music party i went to was at a warehouse called the anytime place in brunswick. Both the venues and warehouse are copping it a bit rough! This thus night i am off to see The Woohoo Revue at the famous Spiegel Tent!



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