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Talons – ‘Squid’

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Sydney-based record label Chatterbox Records has become a domicile for the East Coast of Australia’s burgeoning new-wave punk scene. Chatterbox plays home to noisy bands such as Further, The Hard-Ons, Laura Imbruglia (of the same ilk as Natalie) and Regular John to name but a few. It’s a sign of the growing popularity of what some have been known to label as “dance punk” – punk you can dance to, obviously – and bands such as Young and Restless and former Mess+Noise cover boys Ohama have been its kingpins.

Talons slot in nicely with their punky brethren: Monotone shouted vocals, dirty bass that’s high in the mix, thumping four to the floor drums, topped off with an infectious, top-tapping energy. Ducats is their recently released EP and ‘Squid’ is the standout track which captures what these guys are all about.



One Response

  1. Agnes - It All Started With Carbon Monoxide

    January 12, 2008 10:18 pm

    Slightly off topic….
    Saw Laura Imbruglia at the Hifi Bar in Melbourne just before Christmas. Found her to have a great voice, but thought her songs were a bit ‘samey’. She and the Ground Components were supporting Augie March, and I was a bit annoyed at the amount of people who talked through her act. She did a good job though.



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