International Karate


International Karate
International Karate

‘Post-rock’ has never been a genre that’s taken off in Australia. Despite the fact that stalwarts of the style such as Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mogwai, Sigur Ros and Explosions In The Sky are quite popular here, that influence has never found its way into new bands. Maybe it’s because in Australia, the chance of being a successful band playing to a niche market is remote considering the size of our population and the limited exposure radio gives acts who push songs beyond the standard 3 1/2 minute format, or who don’t have mass appeal.

But like English poet William Cowper once wrote, “variety’s the very spice of life”, and thankfully Melbourne act International Karate are leading the way in the Australian post-rock movement. They were selected by as an entrant in their first annual Post Rock challenge.

The band has been around since 1997, and have released two albums: Weapons of Mass Protection (2003) and A Monstor in Soul (2004). With only four members, these guys still manage to create an impressive and formidable wall of sound. Their new album, More Of What We’ve Heard Before Than We’ve Ever Heard Before is due out very soon, and for the first time will include vocals on selected tracks. To get a taste of what’s to come, we’ve got a special live version of ‘The Future’s Not What It Used To Be’ recorded at Flowercut 2005, and the studio version of said song will appear on International Karate’s forthcoming album.

International Karate – ‘The Future’s Not What It Used To Be (live)’ (mp3)

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5 Responses

  1. Invisible Red Beam

    September 6, 2006 4:31 pm

    Invisible Red Beam would like to thank whothehell + Dom for writing these kind words about International Karate. But I felt I had to correct an error in the article.

    Firstly, there is singing on IK’s first two records (by guest vocalist Dan Brownrigg of Light Says Solo). Secondly, the new album is the first to feature vocals by a permanent band member; Andrew Polydorou has a crack at singing on three tracks with handsome Dan again contributing to three more and one sung by the lovely Laura Jean.


  2. aeromiano

    July 22, 2008 4:10 pm

    Немного не в сюда, но сам не нашел, может тут помогут. Вот, нашел приличный [url=]сайт об интерьере и дизайне кухонь[/url], нашел для себя там много полезного (как раз ремонты делаю), но у них нет доставки по Москве. Кто может подсказать где я могу заказать такую вот [url=]вытяжку[/url]? Буду очень признательным)



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