Sarah Humphreys – ‘Waiting To Burn’ (mp3)
Last week, doing my little radio show, I discovered a great track by a Sydney artist called Michael Peter. And as good as the tune (the name of which evades me right now) was, it was the backing vocals of Sarah Humphreys that caught my ear. Inspired, I went on the hunt for her own solo material and have discovered a goldmine of sweet folk which marries a Missy Higgins-esque voice, dripping with the Aussie accent, with the intelligent pop of Clare Bowditch. Her music, particularly ‘Waiting To Burn’, has the joyous baroque feel of The Beach Boys and the rich vocals of Lennon & McCartney songs.
Her debut album, Teapot Trees and Love Birds, came out late last year and just by the songs I’ve heard on her JJJ Unearthed and MySpace sites, sounds like it’d be a beautiful chest filled to the brim with gorgeous melodies and sublime story-telling. If you live in Sydney, Sarah’s playing every Wednesday with Sara Storer and Bec Willis at the Excelsior Hotel in Surry Hills. Since I host my radio show on a Wednesday, I can’t make it, so I implore you, dear reader, to go along and check out this fantastic local talent.
April 10, 2008 5:20 am
big wrap fro a crap song dom.
: )
June 24, 2008 8:36 pm
Just wonderful. I’m dancing in my chair :o)
July 2, 2008 11:42 am
I LOVE Sarah’s album and have not stopped listening to it since I saw her live at the Excelsior a few motnsh back. Great sing along tunes. I was also very impressed with her quick repsonse to the email I sent her.
I haven’t bought a cd since 1998 and I bought hers straight away.