Birds of Tokyo: ‘Broken Bones’


Birds of Tokyo – ‘Broken Bones’

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Although I haven’t really settled down and got cosy with Birds of Tokyo‘s new disc Universes just yet, my initial reaction to the album is that it’s a fairly hit-and-miss affair. Having said that, ‘Broken Bones’, which is essentially the opening track on the disc (there’s an ambient intro song), is a wicked tune, and the best track on Universes.


3 Responses

  1. Owen

    August 4, 2008 12:20 pm

    BoT have some good tracks, and I like most of Universes, but Ian should stop mucking around and get back to Karnivool.

    Nothing by BoT can ever replace Karnivool’s epic sound.

  2. damo

    January 7, 2009 12:06 pm

    they’re two different sounds, but i reckon birds of tokyo will end up being the better of the two. Both played on different days at southbound on the same stage

  3. Carlos

    January 27, 2009 10:15 pm

    Yeah – wicked band, mostly wicked album (especially White Witch), but come on Ian – Karnivool. It’s time.



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