Snowman – ‘Daniel was a Timebomb’
While the proprietors of Who the Hell argue over the merits of Snowman‘s brutal new beast The Horse, The Rat and the Swan, I’m unequivocally on the “Pro” side for this album. It’s fucking menacing, like a Birthday Party record, completely visceral and incendiary; it feels like the four piece won’t just bring down Perth, but the whole of Australia with the force behind these songs. The music darts from raucuous punk rock like that found on ‘Our Mother (She Remembers)’ – what an opener! – to the weighty darkness of ‘The Blood of the Swan’ and ‘She Is Turning into You’, two songs that’d fit almost too well in the soundtrack to Wolf Creek or a similarly evil Aussie outback film.
‘Daniel was a Timebomb’ is the closest thing Snowman have to a pop song on this album – that is, if you like your pop songs to explode your eardrums.
July 18, 2008 2:32 pm
I saw them last week at Melbourne’s Corner Hotel; very powerful performance. They basically played nothing but the new LP, which worked.
Serious band, Brutal Album!