BMX – “Theme to BMX”

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Just by looking at the title of this band you might ask the question, are they cool ’80s nerds, or just nerds?

We’re going to go with the first option. Far too many bands take themselves too seriously, and while this isn’t a sublimely perfected top shelf track, we think it’s kind of fun.

BMX are a retro-loving crew that bring ‘Material Girl’-era Madonna vocals to synthy pop beats. Throw in some oddball samples (doors creaking, bike bells ringing), and you’ve got the musical equivalent of rocket fuel. Skim from everything in sight, shake once, slam down and enjoy what follows – whatever that happens to be.


4 Responses

  1. Kalen

    September 9, 2008 3:13 am

    Love this track! I’m pretty sure it was in the mix that future cop! made for valerie. Can’t stop listenin.



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