It’s such a treat to share Australian music every week. And some weeks it really does floor me how much great music comes across my desk. Today I’ll kick off with the excellent release from Bushwalking’s forthcoming LP No Enter. This is the titled track from the group formed by Ela Stiles from Songs with Nisa Venerosa from Fabulous Diamonds and Karl Sculllin from Kes Band. The opening bass line sounds like something My Disco might create if they had vaginas. I don’t mean to be controversial. This sound is pleasantly devoid of the male pounding that typically drives “droning jams over tightly regimented songs”, mess and noise.
It takes a hellova lot of restrain to create this mood. Far more beautiful and enchanting than a Celine Dion record, Bushwalking is music that your church group can get behind. Instantly recognisable for its thick bass, spiralling guitar and stirring vocals. No Enter follows on from First Time released last year and will be out through Chapter music on September 6, as the Americans say.
We’ll preview more from the LP in the coming months.
October 11, 2013 4:14 pm