The Dandilions – ‘Three Inches’
The Dandilions are an all-female acoustic-folk trio… WAIT! WAIT! COME BACK!
Yes, they are an all-female acoustic-folk trio, but their music is neither insipid nor angsty – what a nice change.
Mentored by drummer Geoff Green of george fame, the girls met whilst studying music at QUT in Brisbane.
I love how vocalist Vanessa Hodgins delivers quite personal and often cutting lyrics in such a fragile voice. Their song ‘The Sea’ is a perfect example of this.
The Dandilions – ‘The Sea’
The Dandilions play around Brisbane sporadically. I wish they played more.
January 20, 2009 3:16 pm
Hey–“The Sea” sounds awesome! Is there any way you could post an mp3 of this? I’ve been looking everywhere and I cannot find a link to download it. Thanks!!!!
January 25, 2009 1:30 pm
Search for them on Triple J unearthed, there should still be some mp3s up there.
January 28, 2009 10:23 am
The Dandilions have changed their name to Sweet Fawn. Their sparodic playing will soon be a thing of the past as the areabout to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! (thanks for the nice words Sophie:)