An Horse – ‘Little Lungs’

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An Horse – ‘Little Lungs’

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An Horse are the flag-bearers of Australian indie-pop right now. A big call, I know, but after that Mercedes Benz ad, their ridiculously great EP and both national and international tours with indie-pop superstars Tegan & Sara and Death Cab, I think it’s approaching a realistic appraisal. They now finally have their debut LP set for release. It’s already on iTunes for those who like instant digital gratification; otherwise, fans can wait until March for a physical copy. Either way, they launch the album across the country over the next month, bringing their striking brand of direct, two-man/woman pop to your locale.

If you haven’t seen them live then you haven’t absorbed the full An Horse experience. Apart from the immediacy and rawness of the live setting that heightens the impact of these songs, the two possess the confidence, charm and wit of superstars well beyond the relative youth of the project.

‘Little Lungs’ begins more fragile than some of their catchier songs, however, it only works to increase the intensity and excitement of the crescendo towards the end. Multi-tracked vocals, pounding drums and even a fuzzy bass guitar (not found elsewhere on the album) provide the song and album’s carthartic climax.

For those interested, An Horse also recorded some stuff for Shoot The Player that’s well worth checking out.



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