Our old pals in parliament have been making their usual slew of embarrassing, socially divisive calls lately – including a lack of support for climate change action. A bunch of local Melbourne bands are having none of it, and are getting together to raise funds for the cause this weekend. All proceeds from the ‘Rock 4 Renewables’ fundraiser will go to assist Yes 2 Renewables‘ campaign for renewable energy.
The initiative, lead by Leigh Ewbank (former Damn Terran drummer) has already made a mark in the community; challenging anti wind farm campaigners in Canberra – and more recently, helping the Anglesea community fight to close a polluting coal power plant operating just 500 meters from a primary school. For more information on Yes 2 Renewables’ work, head on over here.
Good lineup, great cause. More details at the FB event page.

October 2, 2014 7:55 pm
Nice work WTH, give them hell! Together we can fight the good fight for a clean energy future.
October 2, 2014 8:00 pm
Thanks for helping the residents of Anglesea and the Surf Coast overcome a future blighted by pollution and political inaction.