Lost Valentinos – ‘Serio’ (mp3)
Sydney’s Lost Valentinos have gone through a major change since we first heard the promising Man With A Gun a few years ago. A change in line up, look, management, producer and sound have resulted in the curious sounds of Serio. Also taken from the upcoming album Cities of Gold produced by UK’s Ewan Pearson, I like this better than the first single The Bismarck. The remixes, the video and the UK tour are coming in due time of course, but for now enjoy this exclusive.
February 17, 2009 3:10 pm
I dont get it ? Try writing good music not figuring out your face paint. Welcome to “Overhyped act number xxx” bored
February 18, 2009 10:42 am
Who cares if they wear face paint or a dress or are naked?? Why shouldn’t a band worry about stuff like that anyway?? Its all part of the art. Welcome to “Overcynical comment number xxx” dickhead.
The song is good.
February 21, 2009 1:18 pm
reminds me a bit of screamadelica era primal scream
February 23, 2009 10:52 am
It’s definitely miles better than “The Bismarck”, which I did actually really love for its aggressive dirty and dingy bassline.