Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire!


Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire!

Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! – ‘Captain Thunder Hearts Mistress Ice’ (mp3)

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Big thanks to Stuey from The Sandwich Club for turning me onto these guys.  Yep, Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! first captured my attention purely because of their awesome band name.  It also reminded me somewhat of The Arcade Fire, a band who I’m a particular fan of, and upon listening found that it wasn’t just their music that bore a resemblance to the Canadians.  According to their less-than-informative MySpace page, there’s six of them, but there could be four permanent members.

They hail from Adelaide, South Australia and play indie-rock like their life depended on it.  A tonne of energy accompanies their rocking, infectious tunes.  Solidifying their lineup in 2005, the band released an EP this year entitled You Seize The City, I’ll Seize The Sky which comes with some fantastic artwork.  There’s also a couple of tracks of an upcoming EP on the band’s MySpace page, and the one that’s featured on this blog, ‘Captain Thunder Hearts Mistress Ice’, is one of those aforementioned songs.

I’m not sure why these guys have evaded me for so long, but rest assured I’ll be at their next show when they come to Sydney town.


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