Batrider – ‘Ha Ha’
I love Batrider. I know Jonny over at Polaroids of Androids has been anticipating this record probably more than I but it’s finally arrived so yay for that. Cue party music. You can check out the first single off the album over at POA, so I figured I’d throw up something different.
After a handful of listens, ‘Ha Ha’ stands out as my favourite. It contrasts verses of abrasive guitar and vocals dripping with contempt against a sweet, double-tracked refrain lamenting her place as a third wheel. The way she bitterly laughs at herself as she pines for another is crushing but effective. “Stick with me if you want to drown / Ha Ha!”… that’s some self-hate right there. Ouch. Also, the song just sounds rad. The clanging, raw guitar work is ace. Love it. Awaiting an undoubtedly glowing review for the album, Jonny.
June 19, 2009 10:12 am
BUMP: This album is amazing. Been living with it a while now and it only gets better. Get your hands on it.