Love Of Diagrams – ‘Forever’
Love Of Diagrams’s debut Mosaic was a solid album that definitely contained moments of greatness hinting at amazing things. Their music was certainly intelligent but the album wasn’t quite consistently engaging; as though the scales weighed too much toward head over heart. I don’t want to shit on that album since I still think it was great but now, having heard ‘Forever,’ I realise it was missing the euphoria that this song is dripping with. Where Mosiac was built predominantly on wirey, post-punk ‘live’ sounds, ‘Forever’ has filled out the negative spaces with feedback and distortion, making this an urgent and unforgiving but glorious guitar punk track. It’s like something off Crystal Antlers’s EP, with plenty of wah-infused squall and power chords driving the song over buried vocals that gradually work their way near the front. Though less subtle and overtly calculated , it’s no dumber than their previous work. Simply great. Their impending album ‘Nowhere Forever’ is out later this Winter and is now officially my most anticipated Australian release (move over, Lost Valentinos). Listening to it again yeah, like the seventh time in a row…
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Still trying to purchase!!!ANTHONY J LANGFORD
Cool track. Congrats Joshua. Hope the release is a success.Tristan
Man I love these guys. I can't believe they are not releasing any new music. I've been to so many…sophie
^^ I love Grimes! Banoffee is one of my new favorite music artists! :) I love With Her, Reign Down,…Ace
Read your review then listened to the EP. Fantastic ! Different to most hardcore punk I listen to. Somewhat more…