Noise Addict

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noise addict

Noise Addict – ‘Big Ups’

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Noise Addict – ‘Let’s Do Our Thing’

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I’ve heard barely anything about this album since it was released for free a few weeks ago. For those that need reminding, Noise Addict was Ben Lee’s punk band that put out music in the early 90s on Thurston’s Moore’s Ecstatic Peace and Mike D’s (of Beastie Boys) Grand Royal labels. Fairly impressive. The band eventually also included Romy Hoffman aka Romy aka Macromantics. A blast from the past!

Well Lee apparently recorded a new album with a new line-up that included Lou Barlow of Dinosaur Jr and Sebadoh fame called ‘It Was Never About The Audience.’ The reasoning for the Noise Addict moniker is that it was apparently recorded in the same spirit as that band’s output, despite Lee being the only original member after some fifteen years.

These songs are pretty fun and worth listening to. They sound fairly off-the-cuff and all that, which adds a certain charm. If you like them then head to the website below to download the whole thing for free.



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