Phat Chance – ‘Mountain Of Glass’

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Phat Chance – ‘Mountain Of Glass’

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“Probably not the most accessible song on the album… [but] most reflective of what I’m about as an artist.” Thus goes the description that accompanied this track when it appeared in our SoundCloud account (yes, we do check it regularly). I’m not entirely sure just how accessible the album gets, but this song is already pretty catchy. I won’t sit here and pretend to be an Aussie hip hop connoisseur, but I know when I like something and I’m quite taken with this song. I like how laid back it feels; where other Australian emcee’s often have a forced intensity that personally I shirk at, Phat Chance sounds like he lays down his vocals while sitting forward in an arm chair. The beats and production aren’t showy but are up to scratch and suit the track well.

I couldn’t find his Myspace (the curse of having a fairly generic name), but if you head to his Triple J Unearthed page listed below then you can grab the track for free anyway. Score.


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