Monthly Archives For September 2006

The Presets: Live


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Here’s my take on The Presets. Australians seem to over magnify the success of local bands that when they get criticised overseas people adopt the “why-are-they-picking-on-us?” sentiment. I like the Presets, they play fun party music and everytime I’ve seen them I have a great time, but that’s because the only expectations I have from them is to be a decent live version of their recordings, nothing more.

I mean how adventurous can they get on stage when they play to a backing track anyway? This video shows how strict the Presets can be on the live stage, even with singer Julian doing his best electrospaz dance moves. In the booming atmosphere of a club surrounded by frenzied partygoers, you’d probably have a good time. But watching in retrospect through the sterile microscope of YouTube, it’s clear that they have limitations performing as a two piece.

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