Touring 12 members….hectic. Splitting the rider between 12, also hectic. Cut these guys some slack and head along to one of these shows (see below).
Thursday 15 September – The Vineyard, Melbourne
Friday 16 September – Can’t Say at Miss Libertine, Melbourne
Saturday 17 September – Rats at Colonial Hotel, Melbourne
Saturday 17 September – Pony, Melbourne (2am, late night show)
Thursday 22 September – Lansdowne Hotel, Sydney
Friday 23 September – Last Night at The Gaelic, Sydney
Saturday 24 September – Oxford Art Factory Gallery Bar, Sydney
September 8, 2011 12:14 am
I just don’t understand this band and I don’t think I ever will. That sound can be achieved with a 3 or 4 piece. It’s just totally un-necessary.
As always with something that I don’t like, I applaud them for doing what they enjoy and for the effort. The video is pretty damn cool.
September 13, 2011 5:18 pm
I was about to comment the same thing as David above. If you’re a 12 piece and you sound like a 3 piece, something’s going wrong.