Field Trip – ‘Cream’ EP

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Field Trip – ‘Cream’ (mp3)

“You should shut your mouth, you don’t know what you’re talking about”. Hmm, I hope they’re not talking about our humble music blog. Melbourne lads, Field Trip released their EP ‘Cream’ early in the year. We featured the ‘Give Me A Break’ video recently which got me interested in hearing the whole EP. It’s good folks. Fiona Apple comes after them in my itunes and the unfortunate comparison highlights the low-fi production which is ok but I can’t help thinking these guys could hit Oasis highs with their raw talent. Cream has a nice fuzzy hum and for sure the 60’s surfer cruise must come naturally because the guitar licks are neither pretentious nor over cooked. Apparently they are done with shows for the year so pick up the EP and long for the summer.

You can pinch Cream for free here –



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