Dash and WIll – ‘Pick You Up’
When I got into the car to drive to work I had Tegan and Sara’s The Con in my head so I fired up the iPod, put that song on loud, and then put on a few more pop gems from the twin sisters before arrived at the office. As soon as sat down I opened up an email encouraging me to download Dash and Will‘s new free track called ‘Pick You Up’.
The email unfortunately described Dash and Will as Australia’s answer to Tegan and Sara, which forced me to compare the two acts and since T&S is still fresh in my head from this morning’s drive, D&W’s offering seemed underdeveloped and repetitive. This is an unfair comparison of course seeing that T&S has so much more life and songwriting experience than D&W, but I’m guessing that’s how most listeners would feel too. Nevertheless I’m also sure that like me most people can also see that D&W is bubblling with promising talent and that this choice of single is not indicative of their carreer path. You can hear the obvious distinction in their voices, as opposed to T&Ss hard-to-tell-apart similarity, is going to be a strong point in their songcrafting endeavours.
If you venture to their MySpace there’s a couple more tunes ready for listen and can stand their own ground even in the shadow of a certain popular songwriting sister duo. Looking forward to hearing more.
May 14, 2008 1:38 pm
dash and will are amazing! fantastic songwriters, definitely one to watch in the future, i wouldn’t be surprised if they knock the veronicas off their perch with a much more credible indie sound! i love them! x
May 22, 2008 2:45 pm
I think they will just be a craze.
Amazing? Fantastic songwriters?? INDIE!?!?!
You’ve got you be kidding me? They are the Veronicas, just with a different name…
May 23, 2008 10:43 pm
Yeah, don’t quite get the T&S likeness (just listened to The Con as well). Catchy though.
BTW, just came across this blog, great idea guys!
June 12, 2008 5:32 pm
dash and will write their own shit. that’s more than the veronica’s can say . . .
June 17, 2008 2:41 pm
Nowhere near as witty, clever and melodic as Tegan and Sara – there is no comparison!!! Their music is more like the contrived pop musings of the Veronicas than anything else. Indie? Please.
June 17, 2008 10:17 pm
I recently saw these girls play in Melbourne, and they were great! If you actually went and saw them live you would know that they are nothing like the Veronica’s. They write their own music and play their instruments too. People should go and see them before they decide they are just a craze. good luck to ’em!
June 26, 2008 11:56 am
Why is it always that tall poppy syndrome in Australia.
These girls write their own shit, play their own instruments and unlike the veronicas are fresh with natural talent and natural good looks, unlike the aforementioned who parade around LA looking like cardboard emo cut outs.
the T&S ref is basically I think just so people know what sort of genre they should expect to hear
Aint it funny that when the Galvatrons came out we had everyone on the “Australia music scene” giving them shit about van halen rip offs and that they were never gunna make it and now they are touring overseas.
Perhaps if we just statrted supporting Australian’s talent instead of continually cutting them down we may see more and more talent emerge from the unlikeliest of places.
These girls are super cute, talented and I believe we will see great things from them. Especially given that they are so young Im interested to see their song writing and the like mature and change as they grow up, if its anything to go by with their current stuff it should be very promising!!!!
July 15, 2008 6:33 pm
i honestly don’t think they are anything like tegan and sara or the veronicas.
tegan and sara have a whole different sound, so unique and their voices are so amzing, not to mention the fact they are veryyyyy attractive. also they are sooo much more experienced, i love them.
as for the veronicas, they are good for young teenagers to listen to and just becase they don’t write their own songs doesn’t mean much, they can still sing pretty darn good.
dash and will, i think are going to be well known, if people give them the chance. they are very talented, and their sound is pretty good.
July 23, 2008 3:55 pm
here’s a cool new interview with the girls: http://www.bellaboobabe.com/story/230708/371/celebrity-access-dash-will
July 24, 2008 9:57 pm
blah blah blah.. they’re abusing the indie label..
they’re clearly the ‘indie’ version of the veronicas..
July 29, 2008 6:34 pm
They really don’t sound like Tegan and Sara but they’re not bad either.
That interview has the funniest error. They get musical inspiration from the ‘devinals’
August 15, 2008 8:17 pm
Tegab and Sara?Nuh.The Veronicas?Nuh.anyway saw them at the espie and they were indie pop,pretty cool.give them time and who knows.
August 28, 2008 10:40 pm
Seriously guys… I know the girls and their music.
NOTHING like the Veronicas… they actually have talent. real talent… watch out everyone! here they come!!
August 30, 2008 12:21 pm
They supported The Kooks a couple of nights ago at their Sydney show, what a surprise!
Normally I can’t wait for the support act to finish, but I actually really enjoyed these guys. And the bass player had some hilarious moves, took himself pretty seriously in a cute, hilarious, daggy way.
Hope to see a lot more of these guys in the future!
August 31, 2008 10:04 pm
ehh, the veronicas write their own songs and play their own instruments.. anyway dash and will.. i like these girls.
September 21, 2008 1:56 pm
I think these girls are great. Really fun songs, great voices, good with their instruments and witty, playful lyrics.
Veronicas comparisons are the worst; two Australian girls sing together an they’re automatically the Veronicas. Just no
Take them for what they are: a really good new Aussie indie-pop duo
October 6, 2008 8:30 am
Why do you keep comparing them? Theyre good end of story, if you don’t like them shutup no one wants to here your opinions on THERE music page. They’re new, they shou;ldnt be compared to other bands.
If you dont like em, stop dissing them. Or actually try listening to all of there songs.

October 18, 2008 10:22 pm
i would say that, dash and will aren’t really like “tegan and sara’s” music they are pushed more towards “the grates” due to their type of rythmn and beats. the instruments used also, and their voices
October 18, 2008 10:25 pm
i do love them though, not saying anything bad about them at all.
best song-champagne
October 19, 2008 9:07 am
dash and will are amazing girls. you should definitley check out their new single ‘Fighting Over Nothing’ – they keep getting better.
oh, and they are sooo much better than the veronicas. period.
October 24, 2008 2:06 pm
they’re pretty average.
the cousin of the one on the left is a losser.
December 17, 2008 3:38 pm
I know Josie & Charlotte (A.K.A D&W) and they are no way like the veronica’s. it would be great if they were as half as successful and hopefully one day they will be if people give them a chance. there great!
January 25, 2009 6:59 pm
Dash & Will are fantastic! Their song ‘Fighting Over Nothing’ is really great. Their definatly my new favourite artists!
August 4, 2009 6:13 pm
Dash & Will Supporting Snob Scrilla on his National Tour. Check out tour dates on myspace.com/snobscrilla
August 18, 2009 2:34 pm
Just to clarify the Veronicas are internationally renouned songwriters, and have written hits for loads of pop artists and indie artists, including songs featured on the last Sleepy Jackson record.
August 27, 2009 8:11 pm
Which one is which!