The Jezabels – ‘Disco Biscuit Love (official)’
Jerry blogged the demo of this song in January, but the official release of The Jezabels’ ‘Disco Biscuit Love’ deserves a post of its own, as it’s now the shiniest, loveliest, poppiest thing you’ll hear all Summer (maybe), and holy shit I’m in love. This song makes we feel what I think English people feel when they hear ‘Mr Brightside’.
December 25, 2008 12:18 am
I love it. That little demo is now a massive anthem.
December 25, 2008 8:16 am
One of my favourite songs of this year; I’m so happy to see it’s been polished up nicely and is getting a proper release. I cannot WAIT for their EP in February.
Funny you mention “Mr Brightside” (which had a MONSTER remix of it done by Stuart Price) – I was just thinking the other day how lovely a Stuart Price remix of Disco Biscuit Love would be…
January 1, 2009 5:37 pm
quite enjoyed it, but found it hard to take it seriously once it hit the chorus. I mean, ‘disco biscuit love’? really??