Can no one tell that this chord progression (verse, chorus, everything) is EXACTLY THE SAME as Phoenix Consolation prizes… It is just down a key.
Dont get me wrong, they sound like they would be a good, fun band. But I am not sure how this song got such a thrashing and such wide exposure being such a blatant rip off!
it isn’t EXACTLY the same, the chorus in consolation prizes is the same as the verse. the hungry kids progression changes from E to A to B to A which if you look further past Phoenix, is actually a standard 1950’s swing progression. maybe Pheonix shouldn’t be getting all their praise, they ripped off swing music. OH NO!
yes it is exactly the same, none of this we all copy bullshit, hungry kids would know that song by phoenix and it went in the head and they ripped it off, they probably realise it now and feel like crap, or maybe they know all along. I tried to write this to see if everyone was feeling the same on the triple j forums but they wouldn’t fooken put it up, incredible, they wouldn’t allow anyone to criticise their sacred australian playlist.
if it was such a blatant rip off of that song, triple j would not play it. it is a standard progression and rhythm, it’s like saying anyone who uses a basic 12 bar blues progression in G is ripping each other off. the hungries don’t sound anything like phoenix, sonically or melodically. i’ll admit that the progression is similar…to a whole genre of music that phoenix did not create or have anything to do with. i’m not giving you any ‘we all copy bullshit,’ i’m saying that if you think phoenix are responsible for that progression and rhythm then you need to do some homework.
Super rad clip, looks like a lot of time went in to it. p.s Phoenix are boring and sterile. I’m not even a huge fan of this song, the other songs on the new ep are god damn amazing though. hopefully the j’s pick up a new one soon
Billy D you need to do less homework and start listening and feeling more. Yes twelve bar blues is standard and transposable, but it IS different. Blues is borne out of generations of the same shit and a concrete form, and while you could argue the same with pop music it is just isn’t the case. The hungry kids hit that opening chord the same amount of times before going to the the next two quick chords exactly as it appears on Phonex’s main refrain. That is plagiarism. This is EXACTLY the same as a band playing the main A chord in Jet’s are you gonna be my girl with the same rhythm. imagine if a band did that and it was played on JJJ tomorrow, they’d be fooken crucified. No Jet didn’t invent the Amajor chord and that rhythm, but they most recently brought it to pop music prominence. That’s what hungry kids did. Agreed?
Sorry dude, i agree with what you’re saying in a sense, i just don’t see how the two songs are that similar, i’ve tried to listen to the two songs and initially they sound similar, as soon as the hungry kids one kicks in i completely forget about phoenix and i honestly can say that they aren’t EXACTLY the same. if you got the tabs to both songs and transposed the hungry kids one down it would be different in the repetition and timing of those chords and the chords themselves would differ too. it is SIMILAR yes, but if you’re gonna bag on them make sure you get it right, the definition of the word EXACT doesn’t match your case. If the kids sounded anything like Phoenix or used a melody or even had remotely the same structure as that song or used the same chords, i would agree. I mean listen to the song, it is so obviously paying homage to early swing. You disagree. stuff it, this is long and im over it. Go listen to something else
Argh. Bones, Billy D…Freakin know it all douchebags! This is great song and a great clip from a fantastic up and coming Brissy band, simple. take your shit elsewhere. Can’t you listen to a song without over anaylizing every inch of it? you both need a hug and a dance
arrr Kirsty. So young and naive. Soon you will you wise up and realise that we are all failed musicians criticising other people’s work because we want to be them. You remind me of that song, Naive by the Kooks how shit is that song!!! Fuck I hate them, little weeping pussies they are. HAHAHHA. get it? get it?
April 28, 2009 7:04 pm
AWESOME!!! Those sock monkeys are the cutest!
April 28, 2009 7:19 pm
MOOOONKEYS! ahahahaha. Funny stuff. Love the little monkey sets too
April 29, 2009 5:11 pm
Can no one tell that this chord progression (verse, chorus, everything) is EXACTLY THE SAME as Phoenix Consolation prizes… It is just down a key.
Dont get me wrong, they sound like they would be a good, fun band. But I am not sure how this song got such a thrashing and such wide exposure being such a blatant rip off!
April 29, 2009 9:07 pm
it isn’t EXACTLY the same, the chorus in consolation prizes is the same as the verse. the hungry kids progression changes from E to A to B to A which if you look further past Phoenix, is actually a standard 1950’s swing progression. maybe Pheonix shouldn’t be getting all their praise, they ripped off swing music. OH NO!
April 30, 2009 1:05 pm
yeah it’s similar, i wouldn’t say its a blatant rip off though. it definatley reminds me of old school swing. sweet film clip, cheeky monkeys!
May 3, 2009 9:25 pm
yes it is exactly the same, none of this we all copy bullshit, hungry kids would know that song by phoenix and it went in the head and they ripped it off, they probably realise it now and feel like crap, or maybe they know all along. I tried to write this to see if everyone was feeling the same on the triple j forums but they wouldn’t fooken put it up, incredible, they wouldn’t allow anyone to criticise their sacred australian playlist.
May 4, 2009 12:43 am
I agree bones
I don’t understand how anyone can deny that the chord progressions and rhythm are the same from such a well known and current song.
May 4, 2009 8:11 pm
if it was such a blatant rip off of that song, triple j would not play it. it is a standard progression and rhythm, it’s like saying anyone who uses a basic 12 bar blues progression in G is ripping each other off. the hungries don’t sound anything like phoenix, sonically or melodically. i’ll admit that the progression is similar…to a whole genre of music that phoenix did not create or have anything to do with. i’m not giving you any ‘we all copy bullshit,’ i’m saying that if you think phoenix are responsible for that progression and rhythm then you need to do some homework.
May 4, 2009 10:51 pm
Super rad clip, looks like a lot of time went in to it. p.s Phoenix are boring and sterile. I’m not even a huge fan of this song, the other songs on the new ep are god damn amazing though. hopefully the j’s pick up a new one soon
May 5, 2009 6:06 pm
Billy D you need to do less homework and start listening and feeling more. Yes twelve bar blues is standard and transposable, but it IS different. Blues is borne out of generations of the same shit and a concrete form, and while you could argue the same with pop music it is just isn’t the case. The hungry kids hit that opening chord the same amount of times before going to the the next two quick chords exactly as it appears on Phonex’s main refrain. That is plagiarism. This is EXACTLY the same as a band playing the main A chord in Jet’s are you gonna be my girl with the same rhythm. imagine if a band did that and it was played on JJJ tomorrow, they’d be fooken crucified. No Jet didn’t invent the Amajor chord and that rhythm, but they most recently brought it to pop music prominence. That’s what hungry kids did. Agreed?
May 6, 2009 12:02 am
Sorry dude, i agree with what you’re saying in a sense, i just don’t see how the two songs are that similar, i’ve tried to listen to the two songs and initially they sound similar, as soon as the hungry kids one kicks in i completely forget about phoenix and i honestly can say that they aren’t EXACTLY the same. if you got the tabs to both songs and transposed the hungry kids one down it would be different in the repetition and timing of those chords and the chords themselves would differ too. it is SIMILAR yes, but if you’re gonna bag on them make sure you get it right, the definition of the word EXACT doesn’t match your case. If the kids sounded anything like Phoenix or used a melody or even had remotely the same structure as that song or used the same chords, i would agree. I mean listen to the song, it is so obviously paying homage to early swing. You disagree. stuff it, this is long and im over it. Go listen to something else
May 6, 2009 12:23 am
Argh. Bones, Billy D…Freakin know it all douchebags! This is great song and a great clip from a fantastic up and coming Brissy band, simple. take your shit elsewhere. Can’t you listen to a song without over anaylizing every inch of it? you both need a hug and a dance
May 6, 2009 10:18 pm
yeah, what kirsty said!! hug off at the next hungry kids show for all the sad spouty haters that can’t just have fun listening to a song!!
May 7, 2009 12:47 am
arrr Kirsty. So young and naive. Soon you will you wise up and realise that we are all failed musicians criticising other people’s work because we want to be them. You remind me of that song, Naive by the Kooks how shit is that song!!! Fuck I hate them, little weeping pussies they are. HAHAHHA. get it? get it?