Sia – ‘Breathe Me’
Born in Adelaide to musician parents Sia Furler had to relocate to London before finding deserved worldwide success. With background in the South Australian jazz circuit her worldwide travels took her to the UK where she scored a gig as backup singer for Jamiroquai. This in turn led her to collaborations with Massive Attack, William Orbit, Beck and the current band she’s touring with, Zero 7. With a smooth, fragile voice that balances itself right in between jazz and soul stylings Sia gained more attention after ‘Breathe Me’ was featured in a scene of the TV series Six Feet Under.
The story was that she had some resistance from her old label in the UK about releasing an album overseas. So she wrote a pop album – Colour The Small One, and they responded by dropping her from the roster altogether! Luckily a music supervisor at HBO heard ‘Breathe Me’ and included the song in the series. Immediately after it was aired labels came calling – including the one that dropped her. That song saved her music career. It’s got a pretty cool video too.
September 27, 2007 10:49 am
she is great
October 9, 2007 5:05 pm
i found out abt her threw postsecret’s video
it was great makes me cry but, thats good
December 4, 2008 1:48 am
Sia, I just caught your song on the Letterman Show, and thought it was terrific. Well done. The Aussie music industry is is good shape when it can produce talent like yours.
Normie Rowe
If you don’t know me check my website.
December 21, 2008 10:57 pm
Like Normie I saw you on Letterman and went straight out to order the album. This is brilliant music, what the Australian music industry has been waiting for
June 28, 2009 2:42 pm
Australian music Industry? More like no one here knew who the hell she was or even cared, so she had to move to the UK to make a name for herself. Still to this day barely anyone knows who she is and if it wasn’t for her Oz tour and a few tracks played on tripleJ in the run up to it, nothing would have changed.
It things like this that make me ashamed to be Aussie sometimes. Everyone is too superficial and too caught up in being sheep these days, instead of making up their own mind on what they like and listening to something of substance. Something new and which doesnt follow the same tired formulas that the “Strong Australian Music Industry” absolutely adores.
Before her tour Australian’s constantly asked why she hasnt been home. She quite rightly says its because of costs and the fact they arent sure what audiences she will get here. In the back of her mind she must just wonder what they hell is wrong with everyone, and where they all were 10 years ago.
Lets face it, Australians have no clue. Special acts worthy of recognition always have to go overseas to get anywhere, because everyone here is too stupid to see the forrest for the trees. Sia deserves everything good that comes to her, shes come from nothing, put in the work and made it on her own. But as usual, here comes the Aussie bandwagon claiming she’s done it for the country and its all due to us and our culture. What a load of crap.
I wish Sia nothing but the very best, she is one of the most powerful, incredible, honest talents to ever grace a stage during my generation. Lets hope Australians wake up one day and celebrate her for what she is.
June 30, 2009 1:27 am
Not a fan of the Temper Trap, then?
September 2, 2009 7:07 pm
I ‘discovered’ Sia because I’d finished watching 6 Feet Under on DVD and of course Breathe Me is the featured song in the last episode.
I then downloaded that song and eventually downloaded two albums.
The truth is that if Sia had stayed in Australia and become a success here – she wouldn’t be enjoying the world recognition she thoroughly deserves.
Who cares where she made it – the point is she has written one of the most beautiful and moving songs ever.
Quite frankly, her albums are fabuloso.
Anyone who can write songs like Buttons, Breathe Me and Blow Away are outstanding.
Can’t wait to hear the outcome of the Christine Aguilera collaboration.
June 17, 2010 4:12 am
No matter where you are, you live in a doughnut, well, the hole. One almost always has to leave, to be able to return victorious.
Sia is different in that many simply take the average and capitalise on it, returning with no more than a polished average turd.
Ms. Furler is actually unique and extremely talented, thus her experience, while following the same path as others, is for very different reasons.
We will see more of her, and others who will follow/copy her (emerging from their respective doughnuts to return victoriously as clones), but few will ever have the creativity, imagery, and immence vocal control of the original, while maybe one or two will be inspired/talented enough to make their own mark.
September 10, 2010 9:41 am
‘ Elaa éeh realmentee umaa exceleentee caantoora ‘ . Aaas múusicas delaa sãoo muiitoo booaas ‘ .
February 12, 2011 10:25 am
I am interested to hear how Sia successfully convinced a U.S. airline to allow her to take her doggies on board because she needed them to be with her at all times for their therapeutic benefits to her recovery.Bravo you champion.Dadsy
July 18, 2014 1:08 pm
Philby? I remember u taking me to one of sias first gigs at the espy a million years ago! Saw this article thuoght it might be her. Ha!
Karen davitt
January 11, 2015 9:28 am
Philby? Wasn’t he the one who led three lives … ? Phil, how are you? Here I am teaching drama in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and being reminded by my daughter in England how people so easily take things – like the Elastic Heart video – the wrong way. Would be great to hear from you – arvwdrenth@gmail.com. Here’s my blog – theproverbial.org. Write me, if you like.