The Parking Lot Experiments

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The Parking Lot Experiments – ‘Remembered Light’ (mp3)

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The Parking Lot Experiments are four young Melbournians who make inventive, unconventional yet totally unpretentious tunes, fluctuating between fiercely danceable loops, folky interludes, and playful banter.

With a level of DIY grace, these guys master ticklish, shiny melodies enmeshed with fresh, quirky electro rushes. Communal yelps and harmonies adorn Dave Connor’s excitable, and brilliantly childish, vocal lead. And if Dave is the driver, younger brother Andrew, arched eagerly over his drumset is the ceaseless engine. The man needs no seat. He’s Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, commanding those steal drums like he knows how.

Meanwhile, Justin Schacter and Lloyd Pratt provide the middleground, smoothly yet unpredictably utilising a bass, a casiotone and a laptop to emit sonic funtimes. Instrument swapping is rife as the mood builds from pensive to rampant to euphoric, but the transition is somehow natural and appropriate.

Earlier this year they supported their hero, the one-man-party-starting Dan Deacon, and they posses a similar ability charge crowds into masses of vehement giddiness. That got them some considerable momentum, landing them a residency at The Birmingham and more gigs than they knew what to do with. But alas, Lloyd, praised techgician, disappeared to Europe with a backpack leaving a deep and lonely void in the soul of the band. They even set up a We Miss Lloyd website.

So Lloyd gets back next Friday, and the band, eager to resume their upward trajectory, have a string of Melbourne gigs, and a La Roux support in Sydney.


One Response

  1. pie

    September 29, 2009 1:17 pm

    the PLE’s are the shit! i slept on those very mattresses they happen to be leaping onto when i was in melbourne, dave and the guys are dear friends of mine, ive known dave for years now. happy to see some well deserved publicity! cant wait til they come to sydney 😀 love you guys. -sis x



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